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Butchers were using their trusty butcher's knives to cook meat since the dawn of time. However, the development of the butcher's bandsaws helps save countless hours and tremendous effort in the production of food and meat today. If you've already begun shopping online for the butcher's bandsaws, you'll know there's no lack of options available for you.


Even if there are multiple options available for you to choose from, the real question is; how do you tell if the butcher’s bandsaw you are eyeing is the best.


The Teeth

The teeth or the blade are really good with many lower-quality handsaws – particularly those not explicitly designed to cut meat – and shaped to cut both forward and reverse movements. That indicates they also pick up fat, sinew and fibers from the meat on the return stroke. These clogs and dulls the bandsaw blade, so to complete the cut successfully you must use more elbow grease.


Speed Control and Motion

There's a need to cut different materials with different thickness levels. So, for all cuts a standardized speed set do not really conform to different meat cuts. To get greater speed control (2 speed settings), the bandsaw should come with variable speed triggers / dials option. Speed and motion are beneficial for those people who work with a variety of materials in order to support quality cuts.


Powerful Motor

Bandsaw Motor is a critical component of a bandsaw, it's basically the bandsaw's heart. Regardless of the styles of bandsaw this power of the motor is calculated in amps. It gives the blade the necessary strength to cut through the specific material. The speed of the motor is calculated through the material in terms of feet per minute (FPM), which is known to be the time taken for the blade to travel in a minute. Remember that before buying a bandsaw, care should be taken to ensure that the motor is strong enough for your needs, and that it is not flimsy or prone to failure.


Easy to Clean Bandsaw

This feature is more critical than many people may be giving it credit for. An easy-to - clean surface is more comfortable and efficient for workers but it is also safer in many situations. Many of the better meat bandsaws, such as the blade, have removable parts that reduce the possibility of unintentional injury while cleaning the machine.


Any food industry expert will tell you a band saw is the best tool with little effort to create accurate cuttings of meat. On the other side, you have to practice in using the machine before making the best cuts. For the first months, the use of the back Geiger and frequent checking of the sharpness of the blade are essential points.  Speed is also a factor you cannot ignore if you want to avoid accidents and errors in cutting.



You might have your own ideas and opinions on what makes the best bandsaws for a butcher, so don't hesitate to check out our collection for yourself!


1 comment

  • adam


    February 15, 2022 at 07:58 AM

    For anyone on a tighter budget, the Rikon 10-305 Band Saw delivers impressive accuracy and cutting power at a completely reasonable price. While not as large as our top pick or able to accommodate oversized cuts, it’s a fine machine for anything but the largest of projects. We have also reviewed best miter saws for homeowners.a href=“https://sawpicks.com/best-miter-saw-for-homeowner/”> Go to this URL to read in details.

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