7 Tips to Improve the Hygiene and Safety Level in your Butcher’s Shop

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Hygiene and safety are of paramount importance in shops and establishments, especially when it comes to the food industry. In such a scenario, it becomes very crucial for butchers to ensure that they maintain the hygiene and safety standards in their premises.

Even with the restrictions continuing to ease now, many butchers’ shops have transformed the way they work. They don’t mind going an extra mile to keep their staff and customers safe. This post will highlight several ways in which you can keep your butchers’ shop safe and hygienic.

Here are some measures that you can adopt in your butcher’s shop.

  1. Sanitisation Stations

Installing sanitization stations is very crucial. Sanitizers and hand washes or soaps should be readily available throughout the premises. Especially, at all the entry and exit points. This will enable each customer to sanitize when they enter or exit your shop. Tissue boxes and dispensers should be installed for the customers.

  1. Disinfection of most touched spaces

There are always a few spaces in every shop that are frequently touched by innumerable people time and again. Some examples of such spaces are counters, shelves, hand rails, payment terminals and door handles. Regular disinfection and cleaning of these spaces with an effective disinfectant is essential.

  1. Display of Safety measures

An informative board should be set up in the shop or outside the shop. This board should provide essential information about COVID-19 guidelines and also instruct the incoming customers about social distancing and safety measures which are being followed in the shop.  

  1. Contactless Payments

The payment terminal, counter and buttons for payment details are consistently touched throughout the day in the case of normal transactions. But this should be replaced to avoid any spread or contraction of the disease. Contactless payments should be encouraged and implemented.

  1. Protective Gear for Staff

Your staff should have the required protective aprons and masks as per the Government norms. Staff should be wearing good quality gloves and masks for utmost safety and hygiene purposes.

  1. Maintaining Safe Distance

Many butchers are trying to manage the staff presence in a way that each staff member gets enough space. Similarly, the number of customers allowed in the premises are restricted so that each customer is at least a few feet apart from the other. You can also use floor markings to help customers queue up in a safe manner outside or inside your shop.

  1. Installation of a plastic screen

Installing a plastic screen across your counter can give a shielding to the customers as well as your staff.  The staff can serve the customer with small hatches to minimise the contact levels.

Even though the restrictions might be easing and infection rates dropping, new strains of the coronavirus have been discovered and it is important to stay alert. It is essential to follow precautionary measures until the coronavirus bids us a complete goodbye.

Along with the above essential measures, it will always be a bonus to have efficient butchers’ equipment handy at your shop. Possessing a clean and efficient meat mincer, butcher’s knife and other processing equipment can be a necessary aid. The Brennan Group houses a range of butchering equipment along with safety and hygiene material for shops and establishments.


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