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If you own a butcher’s shop, you already know that people ask, “Where’s the meat from?”, very frequently. This is because seasonal trends might come and go, but questions related to provenance of meat are asked through the year!

Provenance has always been an issue when it comes to meat. Contrary to conventional beliefs, provenance does matter to customers, irrespective of where they’re buying the meat from – a butcher’s shop or a supermarket.

In this post, we will share top four reasons why provenance matters to consumers and how you can guide them.  

Quality of Meat

According to a research, quality plays the most important factor for British consumers when purchasing meat. People want to know whether they’re buying high quality meat or not.

Buyers have become more conscious amid the pandemic and don’t want to end up with mass produced meat from intensive cattle farms even if it’s cheaper.

They don’t mind paying a bit extra for traceable and good quality meat from reputed suppliers.

Environmental Benefits

Buyers have become extremely environmentally conscious. They want to know how their buying patterns, eating patterns are affecting the environment. Provenance matters to consumers because they wish to know the impact of their individual diet and lifestyle on the environment.

Storing and transporting meat like pork or beef incurs a substantial amount of energy, efforts and money, which can impact the environment negatively.  to When meat is sourced from local farms, a massive amount of transport and storage costs are saved effectively and add to environmental benefits. Also, British farmers are currently known as the foremost innovators in producing environment friendly food including meat in today’s age.

Supporting Local Businesses

Buying local has gained a lot of importance over the recent years, especially in the FMCG sector. But amid the pandemic, it has become even more important to support local farmers, butchers and small businesses. Consumers are leaving no stone unturned in supporting and shopping local.

Welfare of Animals

More and more consumers are become aware about the ethical practices that should be followed in food processing, especially when it comes to meat. They are very passionate about the environment and animals.

With an increase in population who are passionate about social causes, there are many people who would want to know how the animal has been treated, his quality of life like if the meat was free range or not, and many other details.

It is very likely that they will buy from you when they know that the meat is prepared in ways that resonate with their personal beliefs and ethics.

Thus, with this evolving shift in the consumer mindset and buying pattern, it is extremely essential to be well prepared in advance with all the required answers, especially regarding the provenance of meat. Also, being well prepared with the right tools to serve quality meat will only help!

Brennan Group provides an extensive range of butcher’s equipment ranging from butcher’s knives, meat mincers, knife sharpeners and bandsaws to fulfil all your requirements. 


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